Contact the units of Akpa Iran Company

Internal Phone number first and last name Unit Name Row
104 041-3103  Ms. Ashkboos Chief CEO 1
103 041-3103 Mr.  Bavili Deputy CEO 2
112 041-3103 Mr. Malekpour Marketing and sales management 3
132 041-3103

Mr. Shahi

Mr. Safari

public relations 4
144 041-3103 Mr. Masoumi Financial Management 5
174 041-3103 Mr.  Safarian Production management 6
156 041-3103 Mr. Ebrahimi Engineering technical management 7
139 041-3103 Mr. Rostami Commercial director 8
161 041-3103  Mr. Hazrati Production planning management and materials control 9
170 041-3103 Mr. Pordel Quality assurance management 10